Nov: 13.1 = $50 / 5k = $25
Dec - Feb: 13.1 = $55 / 5k = $30
Mar - May: 13.1 = $60 / 5k = $35
Jun - Sept: 13.1 = $65 / 5k = $40
Oct until night before event @ 4PM: 13.1 = $70 / 5k = $45
Race Day: 13.1 = $80 / 5k = $55
Youth aged 14 and under receive $10 off registration fees for 5k during ONLINE registration.
Join a TEAM during registration and when your group reaches 5 or more members, everyone gets $5 off! (See FAQ for details.) Discounts honored ONLINE only in advance of race day..
This event is part of the Hometown Race Series. Save on PACKAGED registration for multiple events - CLICK HERE to learn more.